Duplicate Ads Policy



Posting Duplicate Ads

Do not post duplicate ads in one or multiple categories as they are a source of frustration for our user community. If you’re unsure of which category to use, try searching to find out where others have put similar ads. If you post the same ad in multiple categories, they may be removed from StockkcotS.com and from our partner sites.

All content being amplified across the StockkcotS network must pass through a thorough content review process. With such guidelines in place, you may face content rejection at some point during your StockkcotS.com journey.

We want your content approval process to go as seamlessly as possible; In order to ensure you can decipher what went wrong and avoid making the same mistakes in the future, we have compiled all possible reasons for rejection along with their respective solutions.

There are no limits to the number of ads post by our members but you must follow post an ad guidelines.

When you post an ad, make sure,
We suspend duplicate ads if your ads not follow our 3 major recommendations.

  • 1: Your Image should be different as compare with your previously listed ad(s).
  • 2: Title text should be different as compare with your previously listed ad(s).
  • 3: Description should be different as compare with your previously listed ad(s).

When posting your ad, post it within your region for maximum exposure. It is ok to post in more than one city, for instance, if you reside in between two cities.

Remember, people that are willing to travel will search other StockkcotS sites using the Provincial search feature or the distance search feature to find your ad. So, posting one single ad will be, in most cases, as effective as posting in more than one city in your region.

Please note:
We reserve the right to remove ads that hinder the user experience.
Ads in the Services category must be condensed as much as possible. All facets of a service must be listed within a single ad instead of having an ad for each service.

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