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Floating Ball Valve Supplier in Brazil

Supplies, Equipment & Stationery
Posted 6 months ago

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Floating Ball Valve Supplier in Brazil

Supplies, Equipment & Stationery
Posted 6 months ago
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South American Valve is a significant Floating Ball Valve Supplier in Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela. Our goal is to meet our customers’ needs. Floating ball valves are known for their bi-directional sealing capability, which means they can effectively stop the flow of media in either direction. However, it's important to note that in very low-pressure applications or after significant seat wear, the effectiveness of the seal may decrease, as there might not be enough media pressure to push the ball against the downstream seat. Nevertheless, in most applications with sufficient downstream pressure, floating ball valves maintain a tight seal for an extended period, making them suitable for a wide range of industries and applications.
Offering reliable solutions, our supplier of Floating Ball Valve ensure bi-directional sealing, making them ideal for diverse industries in Brazil. While effectiveness may reduce in low-pressure scenarios, these valves maintain a tight seal in most applications, emphasizing versatility.
1. Valve Body
2. Ball
3. Bore or Port
4. Packing
5. Seat
6. Stem
7. Actuator

Working Principle:
Floating ball valves operate by using a simple 90-degree (quarter-turn) rotation of the ball to control the flow of media. Here's how they work-In the closed position, the ball's bore aligns with the valve body's inlet and outlet ports. The ball's surface creates a seal against the seat, preventing the flow of media. When the valve needs to be opened, the stem is turned using an external actuator. This causes the ball to rotate 90 degrees, which positions the bore of the ball to be in line with the valve ports, allowing media to flow through. As the media flows through the valve, it pushes against the ball, forcing it against the downstream seat. This pressure helps create a tight seal, preventing leakage. To close the valve, the stem is rotated back, turning the ball to its closed position, where the bore is perpendicular to the valve ports, blocking the flow.
1. Simple Design
2. Cost-Effective
3. Reliable Shut-Off
4. Low Torque Operation
5. Versatility
6. Quick Opening and Closing
1. Petrochemical Industry
2. Mining Industry
3. Marine Industry
4. Agricultural Sector
5. Automotive Industry
6. Pulp and Paper Industry
1. Used in chemical processing units for handling various corrosive chemicals and fluids.
2. Utilized in mining operations for controlling the flow of slurries, water, and other fluids.
3. Found in shipbuilding and marine systems to control the flow of water, fuel, and other fluids on vessels.
4. Helps manage water distribution efficiently in farming applications.
5. Critical for maintaining consistent quality in paper manufacturing.
1. Body: WCB, CF8, CF8M, F304, F316, LF2, F22
2. Class 150
3. Size- 1 ½”-8”
4. Operation: Handle, Gear, Electric actuator, Pneumatic Actuator
5. End connection: flanged, buttweld


Condition: New
Transaction: Sell

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southamerica valve
southamerica valve Registered for 6+ months Last online 6 months ago
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    Seller details Details

    southamerica valve
    southamerica valve
    1 active listings
    Private Seller
    Registered for 6+ months
    Last online 6 months ago
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    Listing location

    Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    -22.9110137, -43.2093727

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    Floating Ball Valve Supplier in Brazil
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